The Koperattiva tat-Tadam ghall-Ipprocessar Ltd. in collaboration with Processor Magro Brothers Foods Ltd. Organized a meeting session with farmers at Alleluia Parsih Hall in St. Paul’s Bay Malta. Presentations and discusssions were held on two undergoing projects for 2019 by Magro Brothers and ARPA, the Agricultural Rural Payment Agency.
Cultivation Trials by Magro Brothers is a project involving new systems and methods, directed by an Italian Agronomer ( with over 40 years of experience on tomatoes for processing) together with the Koperattiva tat-Tadam ghall-Ipprocessar Ltd. The Agricultural Rural Payment Agency – ARPA – embarked on a new control system of Monitoring for the VCS (Voluntary Coupled Support for Tomatoes) involving new technologies of earth observation satellites and mobile apps. Although these two innovative projects being taken simultaneously totally differ from each other, the subject and focus is one : Tomatoes for Processing – in getting a new understanding to better the methods and systems being used to date while focusing to better the existing good quality & increasing the yields of the tomato crop, reduce the expenses and increase the profit for farmers.